Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering; Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs in the CEC
Contact Information
Campus: Fairfax
Building: Nguyen Engineering Building
Room 2500
Mail Stop: 5C8
In the News
Jill Nelson is an associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at George Mason University. Dr. Nelson's research focus is on statistical signal processing, machine learning, and detection and estimation. She has considered applications in target tracking, intelligent sonar systems, and physical layer communications. Her work on sonar tracking and automation is funded by the Office of Naval Research. Dr. Nelson also conducts research in engineering education and STEM faculty development, funded by the National Science Foundation. Dr. Nelson is a 2010 recipient of the NSF CAREER Award. She is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, and the IEEE Signal Processing, Communications, and Education Societies.
2018 - 2021: Collaborative Research: Building a Culture of Active Learning through Course-Based Communities of Transformation. Funded by the National Science Foundation.
2018 - 2021: Building a Goal Reasoning Architecture for Cognitive Active Sonar. Funded by the Office of Naval Research.
2018 - 2021: Life STEM EAGER: Exploring the Relationship between High School Mathematics and Bioscience, Standardized Testing and College Performance in Biotechnology-related Fields. Funded by the National Science Foundation.
2016 - 2020: Collaborative Research: RAPID – EclipseMob - Crowdsourcing a Spatial-Temporal Study of Low-Frequency Propagation Effects Due to a Total Solar Eclipse. Funded by the National Science Foundation.
Research Interests
Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing; Detection and Estimation for Applications in Sonar, Target Tracking, and Communications; Machine Learning; Wireless Communications; STEM Education; Faculty Teaching Development and Adoption of Student-Centered Teaching Practices
- BS, Electrical Engineering, Rice University
- BA, Economics, Rice University
- MS, Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois
- PhD, Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois